[bartag entrada_heading=”Get in Touch”]Contact us by email, phone or through our web form below.[/bartag]
[entrada_telfax entrada_telfax_title=”Booking Enquiries” entrada_telfax_no=”+960 3016663″ entrada_telfax_icon=”icon-tel-big”]Please send us your booking enquiries here. We will get back to you as soon as possible.[/entrada_telfax]
[entrada_telfax entrada_telfax_title=”Post Booking Questions” entrada_telfax_no=”+960 7656966″ entrada_telfax_block_class=”bg-blue” entrada_telfax_icon=”icon-tel-big”]Please contact us here to followup on your existing bookings with us or inform us of any last minute changes to your flights so that we could arrange suitable transfers to the resort and receive you at the airport.[/entrada_telfax]
[entrada_telfax entrada_telfax_title=”Payment Queries” entrada_telfax_no=”+960 301 6668″ entrada_telfax_icon=”icon-fax-big”]This is Photoshop’s version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit[/entrada_telfax]
[contact-form-7 id=”1732″ title=”Contact Us”]
[entrada_googlemap entrada_gmap_address=”8 Summerwood Road, Isleworth, Middlesex, TW7 7QD” entrada_gmap_zoom=”14″ entrada_gmap_width=”600″ entrada_gmap_height=”725″]